Ralph Quintero

Founder, Advisor, Investor, Strategist and Passionate Story-teller

Filtering by Tag: marketing

My palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy...

I’m not gonna lie… I’m a little nervous sending out this first email. 

It reminds me of the first time I DJ’d in a club in front of a giant crowd.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach… the lump in my throat.

But like Eminem says, “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, This opportunity comes once in a lifetime”

So here it goes…

For this issue I’m going to share a tip on marketing, a tip on sales, one of the tools I’m currently using, a book I’m reading, and a cool video to watch. 

📣 Marketing 

Dora was wrong! 


Swiper YES swiping!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret 🤫

Every great marketer has a SWIPE FILE. I’ve kept one for more than 20 years and it has helped me more than anything else in my business.

What is it?

A swipe file is a collection of headlines, ads, copy, text, newsletters, websites, social media posts that you find fascinating or helpful, that you can “swipe” ideas from when writing your own headlines or creating content. I have both a digital version and a physical version where I clip out things.

Like Picasso famously said, “good artists borrow, great artists steal.”

Great ads and headlines make $$$$. Companies spend millions of dollars on getting their messaging right because good copy = GOLD. So why not “borrow” from the best?

You can start yours today by scanning your inbox or flipping through magazines.

Here are some cool links where I find some of my favorites:





Quick note here: You don’t want to be a douchebag and outright copy everything word-for-word! You want to use it as inspiration and a guide and make it your own.

📈 Sales

“Would you like fries with that?”


And with that simple question, McDonald’s made their profitability skyrocket 🚀  (they’ve also made a killing with combos & bundling)

Every business has the opportunity to create an upsell or a cross-sell regardless of what business you’re in. Every single one.

You can use this technique to get your customers to try a new product, add on an extra service like training, coaching, or an extended warranty. You can also bundle multiple products or services to increase average order size.

Think about it…

They’re already buying from you. So they like you, they trust you, and they are ready to give you money - right now. Why not present them with an upsell? What’s the worst that can happen, they say no? No harm, no foul. The best thing that can happen? You make extra revenue and have your customers try new things.

Every sale gives you this opportunity. If you don’t ask every time, you’re leaving money on the table 💵

If you can’t think of how this applies to your business? Drop a quick post in my FB group and I will give you ideas that can help you.

BTW, this also works if you’re buying something for yourself or your business. If they don’t offer you the upsell and you’re considering additional purchases, ask for it. I just got myself free delivery on furniture by just asking. Saved $100!

🛠 One of my Favorite Tools

I use many different tools on a daily basis, but my favorite one nowadays is Notion

Notion is an all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases that helps you write, plan, and get organized.

I use it to keep track of all my projects, links, my SWIPE FILE, plans, and even my notes and outlines for this newsletter.

They have a basic version that’s free, and a pro plan that costs something like $4 a month. They also have a version for bigger teams if you need that.

📚 This is What I’m Reading Right Now


(You can click on the book if you want more info)

📺  Watch This

Speaking of brand cults… I found this fascinating!

Wow, I lost myself in the moment and I dropped bombs! And just like my first DJ set, I can’t believe it’s coming to a close. 

Now I can’t wait to do it all over again!

Ralph Q out!

mic drop-1.gif

P.S. - Let me know what you thought! Drop me a note 

P.S.S. - Think someone can benefit from this info? Sharing is caring!

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Now here's a little story I've got to tell...

Everyone loves a good story… and I love telling them.

Like the time I was prepping for one of the biggest meetings of my career…and well…let’s just say that things got a little colorful.

We were living in Southern California at the time. 

And if you’ve spent any time in “The Valley”, you know that spiritual shops and fortune tellers are everywhere.

So my wife (God bless her 🙏🏼) knew how important this meeting was going to be for me and thought it would be a great idea for me to take a “lucky spiritual bath.”

lucky bath.gif

On her way back from a Target run, she went into The Psychic Eye on Ventura Blvd and asked Willow, the enlightened, patchouli scented girl working the shop, for the very best bath potion for good luck. 

(OK, I really don’t know what her name was, but I’m pretty sure it was probably Willow) 

Armed with the potion, some candles, sage, and a lucky coin, Judy came home and got the bath ready for me.

The color of the water should’ve been a dead giveaway, but against my better judgement and at the persistence of my lovely wife, I eased into the bath.

“Get in all the way!,” Judy insisted. “It needs to cover everything in order for it to work.”

After exactly 21 minutes in the bath (because apparently that’s the magic number 🙄) I stood up and COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES!

I was GREEN from neck to toes. Like completely GREEN.

We both got a good laugh 🤣 joked about me being a leprechaun and tried to shower it off.

Except it wouldn’t come off!!! 😳 At all! 

After much scrubbing and creams, we managed to get most of the tint off my hands which was good enough for the meeting.

The next day I went into my meeting in a long-sleeved shirt, tie tight against my neck and hit it out of the park! 

The potion worked! 🍀

It ended up taking a week for all the tint to finally fall off of my body, and somewhere in The Valley, Willow is probably still laughing at me.

And Judy? Well, that wasn’t the last of her “great ideas”

📚 What’s your story?

Storytelling is the oldest and most effective form of communication.

If you’re not telling stories about your brand, yourself, your business, or your movement, you’re missing out on what people value most over anything else...connections.

People connect with good stories. People want to be part of good stories.

But better yet, people SHARE good stories. 

And the brands that are sharing stories are winning in today’s economy because people value authenticity. 

People want to know more about who they’re buying from. Who they’re doing business with. They care about what’s behind the product more than they care about the product itself. 

And they’re willing to spend more on, and evangelize those brands that they feel a personal connection to.

So think about your website, your social media channels, your personal branding.

Are you sharing your brand’s story? Or are you just talking about your product or services?

Need a little inspiration? 

You’ve probably seen the funny brand story videos from Dollar Shave Club, Old Spice, and the Squatty Potty. Or the powerful story of Johnny Walker

But here are 3 companies I love that tell AMAZING brand stories…

👨‍🍳 The Reluctant Trading Company - A Tale of Adventure, International Intrigue and Tellicherry Peppercorns.

I really enjoy cooking and grilling and after seeing their origin story video, I not only became a customer, but I’ve shared this story with hundreds of people! (and here I am sharing it again!)


🚲 718 Cyclery - Brooklyn, NY - From Wall Street Architect to Bike Builder

My brothers-in-law are both avid bikers and have a passion for restoring vintage Italian and French road bikes. One day while helping them source a part for one of their builds, I came across 718 Cyclery in Brooklyn. This is a story about following your passion, pivoting, and finding success in the least likely of ways.

👃 Commodity Fragrances - Guess Who’s Back?!?

I have a knack for killing off cologne companies. Once I find a cologne I like and decide to make it my signature scent, the company goes out of business or discontinues the scent. (If you ever start a fragrance company, stay far away from me!) So when Commodity went out of business, I wasn’t surprised since I had become obsessed with their “Gold” cologne.  

But lucky for me, they came back after one of their fans bought the brand and revived it. Along the way, they’ve been documenting the story of the comeback. And it’s been great!

You can find the entire story here! 🎦

💡 More Big Ideas

These are the things that I’m listening to, watching, reading, discovering, or enjoying this week.

📖 Read - From lying in bed with zero ideas to negotiating with the biggest superstar on planet earth - The story of Yeezy.Dating

📻 Listen - How John Foley started Peloton (How I Built This with Guy Raz) - BTW, I’m @RalphQ305 on Peloton - Follow me and let’s ride

📺 Watch - David Foster: Off the Record (Netflix) - David Foster is one of the greatest producers and songwriters of all time, having worked with Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Andrea Bocelli, Michael Buble, Chicago, and more. A true hit-maker. He’s a perfectionist and not always a great guy. But you have to respect his work ethic.

🛒 Buy - Oculus Quest - Treat yourself to the most incredible immersive VR experience. Some of my favorite apps: TribeXR, BeatSaber, TRIPP, YouTube VR, and PokerStars

📈 New Trend - AI tackles the third leading cause of accidental death in the world and helps lifeguards do a better job at keeping us safe while we swim.

Hope you enjoyed all the stories this week… If you get a chance, drop me a note and let me know what you thought. You can also let me know what you'd like to hear more (or less) about.

As always, keep coming up with ideas, dreaming big, and taking action!

‘Till next time...


Ralph Q out!

P.S. - Have a friend that may enjoy this newsletter? Share it with them! You can forward them this email or you can send them this link: http://ralphq.com/newsletter so they can sign up

P.S.S. - If this is your first time reading this newsletter and want to read some of the previous ones, you can find them here: http://ralphq.com/past-issues 

Mr. Big Stuff, who do you think you are?

“What am I doing here? These people are going to see right through me! They’ve got the wrong guy!!!”

Those were just some of the thoughts racing through my head as I was getting ready to hit the stage in Germany and present to some of the brightest marketing executives and CEOs in the world.


I was scared 💩less!

I had been hired to speak and facilitate a workshop for this group of heavy hitters about innovative marketing and intrapreneurship (how to get big companies to think and act more like startups). Topics that not only I happen to be an expert at, but also very prepared to talk about.

I had done this a million times before, but there I was, doubting my very existence and qualifications. 

I felt like the biggest imposter ever. 

And that’s when I got my cue...“...welcome Ralph Quintero” 😬

That presentation turned out to be one of the very best I had ever done. It was successful in every regard and I received amazing reviews!

So why did I feel the way I did?

On my flight home, still on a high from the event, I had an unforgettable experience. My seatmate in 3A was Kevin Costner...yes...this Kevin Costner!


I assumed he was in Europe filming a new movie. But he wasn't… He was performing with his band, Modern West! (I had no idea he was a musician)

Kevin (we were on a first name basis now 😂) told me how he was scared shitless as he went on stage to perform at the biggest festival show his band had ever played. 

“What were people going to think? What were the other headliners going to think?”

Kevin-f'ing-Costner was suffering from Imposter Syndrome just like me!

🤡 Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is described as “a feeling of phoniness in people who believe that they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement. While these people “are highly motivated to achieve,” they also “live in fear of being ‘found out’ or exposed as frauds.” 

This is a real thing that not only affects me and Kevin Costner either… Albert Einstein, Seth Godin, Maya Angelou, Tina Fey, Tom Hanks, David Bowie, Sheryl Sandberg, and Michelle Pfeiffer have all suffered or continue to suffer from this. Maybe even you suffer from it. But as you can see you’re not alone.

According to research, an estimated 70% of women and 50% of men will experience imposter syndrome at least one time in their lifetime.

This is because of something called the Dunning-Kruger Effect which shows that the more skilled you are at something, the more likely you are to feel like you’re ‘faking it’.


While there isn’t necessarily a “cure” for this syndrome, there are some things we can all do to help deal with it.

3 Steps For Dealing with ‘I’m a Fraud Mentality’

1️⃣ Share Your Feelings - It’s OK to let others know how you feel. Remember, you’re not alone (that’s one of the reasons I’m sharing this with you today). 

2️⃣ Change Your Script - Changing your inner script changes your story. Rather than thinking about all the reasons why you’re not qualified to do something, focus on all the reasons why you are. 

3️⃣ Fake It ‘Till You Make It - Regardless of how you feel, don’t let it stop you from taking action. Get out there and do it - just like I did with my presentation. By taking action and not letting imposter syndrome paralyze you, your confidence will get a major boost.

If you want to learn more about this topic, there’s a ton of great resources out there about Imposter Syndrome. Here are some you can start with:

📔 Read this: Imposter Syndrome

👀 Watch this: How you can use imposter syndrome to your advantage

👂 Listen to this: Deliciously Ella - Imposter Syndrome & Self-Doubt

And finally, I’ll leave you with this thought…

who you are.png

(save this pic to your phone so that you have it handy whenever you need a friendly reminder)

💡 More Thoughts, Big Ideas, & Cool Stuff

These are the things that I’m thinking about, listening to, watching, reading, discovering, or enjoying this week. Click the links and enjoy them with me.

👖 Fun Fact - I have not worn pants since February 29th thanks to COVID!

📚 Read - 5 proven psychological copywriting triggers that compel people to buy - Have you ever wondered why you get sucked into certain ads or infomercials? Or why do you buy the things you do? There’s a LOT of psychology behind it!

📺 Watch - A future sales master: This young girl wants to sell her little brother so she can buy a toy owl 😂

📬 Sign Up Right NOW - I ❤️ email newsletters. And this one from Harry Dry that’s all about marketing is in my top 5 right now. Sign up for it...it’s free and you won’t be disappointed.

As always, keep coming up with ideas, dreaming big, and taking action! (and don’t doubt yourself!)

‘Till next time...


Ralph Q out!

P.S. - It would be awesome if you could share this with one of your friends or teammates that may enjoy it!  Just forward them this email or send them this link: http://ralphq.com/newsletter so they can sign up. You can also send them here http://ralphq.com/past-issues to read past issues.